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Know Your Lawyer: Lucia Raimanova of Allen & Overy

Know Your Lawyer: Lucia Raimanova of Allen & Overy

Issue 10.7
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An in-depth look at Lucia Raimanova of Allen & Overy covering her career path, education, and top projects as a lawyer as well as a few insights about her as a manager at work and as a person outside the office.


  • Allen & Overy, Bratislava; Counsel/Partner; 2016-Present
  • Allen & Overy, London; Senior Associate; 2012-2016
  • Allen & Overy, Hong Kong; Associate; 2011
  • Allen & Overy, London; Trainee (including client secondment and a secondment to Moscow)/Associate; 2004-2011
  • Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic; Junior Coordinating Advisor for Legal Issues; 2000-2002


  • Queen Mary College, University of London; Diploma in International Arbitration; 2011
  • BPP Law School, London; Legal Practice Course; 2003
  • The College of Law, London; Post Graduate Diploma in Law; 2002
  • University of Vienna; Master of Laws; 2000
  • London School of Economics and Political Science; General Course, Law; 1999


  • Our of Office Acivity: Skiing and sailing
  • Book: The Tin Drum (Die Blechtrommel) by Guenter Grass
  • Movie: Dogville by Lars von Trier

Top 5 Projects:

  • Representing BG Exploration and Production India (now Shell) and Reliance Industries in a London-seated, long-running UNCITRAL arbitration against the Union of India;
  • Representing Canepa Green Energy Opportunities I, and Canepa Green Energy Opportunities II, v. Kingdom of Spain (ICSID Case No. ARB/19/4) in an ICSID arbitration arising out of alleged breaches of the Energy Charter Treaty concerning the Claimants’ investments in Spain’s renewable energy sector;
  • Representing Zero Bypass (a consortium comprising Cintra, Porr, and Macquarie Capital) in a Vienna-seated ICC construction arbitration against the Slovak Republic;
  • Defending the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in a London-seated CIArb arbitration against Broadsheet (Isle of Man) arising out of the termination of an asset tracing agreement for the repatriation of corrupt assets;
  • Defending the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in two parallel UNCITRAL investment treaty arbitrations initiated by Ali Allawi and the Progas group of companies.

CEELM: What would you say was the most challenging project you ever worked on and why?

Raimanova: My biggest challenge has been developing a truly international arbitration practice in Bratislava after I had moved back home after some 16 years in London. In Europe, arbitration practitioners concentrate in the main arbitration hubs so if you’re based elsewhere, you have to work extra hard to be recognized. I was fortunate in that I trained as an English solicitor and worked in London as well as Hong Kong for many years, which allowed me to build a network of contacts across the world that I can now tap into.

CEELM: And what was your main takeaway from it?

Raimanova: That with a sensible plan and stealth determination, everything is possible. After all, every venture has its challenges. Had I stayed in London, it would have been far too expensive to focus on the CEE region. I would also have had a much harder time raising my children. Running an international arbitration practice out of Bratislava is certainly daring but not unheard of as other competitors are also trying to take advantage of the more favorable market conditions and ultimately deliver a more reasonably priced service to clients. 

CEELM: What is one thing clients likely don’t know about you?

Raimanova: Prior to my legal career, I was an aspiring rock star. I was a drummer in an all-girl rock band called Bloody Mary. The highlight was performing as a pre-band to a famous rock band in Slovakia at an ice-hockey stadium and giving an interview to Fun Radio (one of the most popular radio stations in Slovakia). 

CEELM: Name one mentor who played a big role in your career and how they impacted you.

Raimanova: Allen & Overy’s Head of the International Arbitration Practice, Marie Stoyanov. Marie took me under her wing when I decided to return to Bratislava and run for partnership. She supported me and stood by me throughout the lengthy process, which had its ups and downs. Her elegant advocacy style and brilliant legal mind are admired from far and wide. It was a privilege having someone of her sanding and caliber guide me to the next level of my career.           

CEELM: Name one mentee you are particularly proud of.

Raimanova: Peter Plachy, an Associate in our Bratislava office. Peter joined us as a Trainee but had the ambition to explore the world overseas. He got a scholarship to Columbia Law School and then worked in London and Dubai before re-joining us in Bratislava. There’s nothing more fulfilling than seeing the younger generation amassing a broad range of experience, including overseas, and then returning home and putting all their acquired skills into practice, thus raising the bar of excellence in client services ever higher. This is precisely what the CEE region needs, and it’s heart-warming to see Peter going from strength to strength. 

CEELM: What is the one piece of advice you’d give yourself fresh out of law school?

Raimanova: To take a long-term view and use any setbacks as an opportunity to learn or try something different. It can often feel like any job application or promotion rejection is the end of the world. However, the rejection itself does not matter – it is the way you deal with it and what you learn from it that matters and will determine your success.

This article was originally published in Issue 10.7 of the CEE Legal Matters Magazine. If you would like to receive a hard copy of the magazine, you can subscribe here