Ostermann Ivancic Managing Partner Mojmir Ostermann and Divjak, Topic, Bahtijarevic & Krka Attorney at Law Dominik Glavina look at Croatia’s new lobbying law and the challenges it poses for businesses engaged in regular talks with public organizations.
Austria: Federal Fiscal Court Rules That Voluntary Self-Disclosure of Missed UBO filings does not require immediate UBO Filing To Qualify for Exemption from Late Filing Penalties
The Austrian Beneficial Owners Register Act (BORA) requires certain legal entities to report their ultimate beneficial owners (UBO) recurringly, at least once a year and whenever changes occur in an entity's UBO.
Thomas Hartl and Christoph Schober Make Partner at Binder Groesswang
Thomas Hartl and Christoph Schober have been promoted to Partner at Binder Groesswang.
Adina Vlaicu, Andreea Mihalache, and Mirel Radescu Make Partner at Popescu & Asociatii
Popescu & Associatii has promoted Adina Vlaicu, Andreea Mihalache, and Mirel Radescu to Partner.
Ukraine Introduces Corporate Criminal Liability for Bribery of Foreign Officials
On 26 December 2024, the Law “On Amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, and Other Legislative Acts of Ukraine to Improve Mechanisms for Holding Legal Entities Accountable for Bribery of Foreign Officials” No. 4111-IX entered into force. It is meant to implement the OECD Council’s Recommendation on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions.
Law on Amendments to the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism
On 6 December 2024, the Law on Amendments to the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism and the Law on Amendments to the Law on Public Notaries entered into force. These two laws were adopted by the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia and published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia on 28 November 2024.
How the UK’s New Corporate Criminal Offence Could Impact EU Businesses
The UK government recently unveiled guidance on a major update to its corporate fraud laws: the “failure to prevent fraud” offence, introduced through the 2023 Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act (ECCT). Taking effect on September 1, 2025, this law could have serious implications for companies operating within the EU.