Amid the daily disruptions of war, Ukraine’s legal market has shifted focus to urgent areas like military law, sanctions compliance, and damage compensation, while adapting to workforce shortages and declining revenues, according to Asters Senior Partner Armen Khachaturyan.
Ukraine Introduces Corporate Criminal Liability for Bribery of Foreign Officials
On 26 December 2024, the Law “On Amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, and Other Legislative Acts of Ukraine to Improve Mechanisms for Holding Legal Entities Accountable for Bribery of Foreign Officials” No. 4111-IX entered into force. It is meant to implement the OECD Council’s Recommendation on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions.
Sayenko Kharenko Advises Elementum Energy on Acquisition of Windpark West-R
Sayenko Kharenko has advised Elementum Energy on the acquisition of a majority stake in Windpark West-R.
Register of Damages for Ukraine Published Claim Forms and Rules for Additional Categories of Damages
On 23 December 2024, the Register of Damages for Ukraine caused by the aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine (the “Register”) published the forms and rules for submitting claims for compensation in newly opened categories of claims. This will allow individuals and legal entities, as well as the state of Ukraine, to start preparing the necessary documents in 30 out of the 45 planned categories.
Hillmont Partners and Astraea Advise on Stati Parties and Republic of Kazakhstan Settlement
Hillmont Partners and Astraea have advised on a settlement between the Stati Parties and the Republic of Kazakhstan in a dispute concerning a 2013 USD 500 million SCC Award, bringing all related litigation to an end.
Everlegal Advises VisionFund on Ukrainian Market Entry and Financial License
Everlegal has advised VisionFund on establishing its Ukrainian entity and obtaining a financial company license, enabling it to provide non-banking financial services such as granting loans and banking metals.
Denys Medvediev Makes Partner at Redcliffe Partners
Former Counsel Denys Medvediev has been promoted to Partner at Redcliffe Partners. The same promotion round also saw Kateryna Zheltova promoted to Senior Associate.
NBU Provides Further Relief for Ukrainian Corporate Issuers To Repay Eurobonds Obligations
With effect from 21 December 2024, the National Bank of Ukraine (“NBU”) introduced new exemptions from the moratorium on foreign currency cross-border transfers. Notably, these changes broaden the scope of existing exemption for Ukrainian corporate issuers permitting to make payments in connection with Eurobond-related obligations, described in our earlier legal alert.
Ukraine: GPSR: Updated EU Product Safety Rules – Overhauled Requirements for the Ukrainian Products Heading to the EU Consumer
On 13 December 2024, the new "Regulation (EU) 2023/988 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 May 2023 on General Product Safety" ("GPSR") came into force.
The National Bank of Ukraine Has Relaxed Some Foreign Currency Restrictions
On 21 December 2024, a new package of foreign currency (“FX”) easings came into effect. It is aimed at supporting domestic producers and improving the business environment in Ukraine. The amendments, introduced by Resolution No. 155 of the National Bank of Ukraine (the “NBU”) dated 20 December 2024 (“Resolution No. 155”), include the following measures:
Ukraine Introduces Tax Increases
The Law of Ukraine on Tax Increases №4015-ІХ, adopted by the parliament and awaiting presidential signature, came into effect on November 30, 2024. Below are the key changes to the taxation system.
Agribusiness: Old Strength, New Challenges, and Hopes for the Future
Popescu & Asociatii Partner Loredana Popescu and Avellum Partner Maksym Maksymenko look at the current status of agribusiness in their countries – both traditional powerhouses in the sector – highlighting how they are managing to show resilience despite tough years.
First Successful Application of New Leniency Procedure
A leniency procedure has been in place in Ukraine for over two decades. However, until recently, there was no public record of its successful application by the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMC).
Call for Investment Projects in Ukraine
During EU-Ukraine Investment Conference on 13-14 November in Warsaw the European Commission has announced a call for private investment projects in Ukraine that have cost at least EUR 50 m, of which the project initiator provides at least 10% in the own contributions.
Sayenko Kharenko Advises EBRD on EUR 55 Million Financing Package for the City of Kyiv
Sayenko Kharenko has advised the EBRD on a EUR 55 million financing package to support the city of Kyiv.
Redcliffe Partners and CMS Advise on EBRD and IFC's USD 435 Million Financing for Lifecell and Datagroup-Volia Merger
Redcliffe Partners, working with Clifford Chance and George Yiangou, has advised the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Finance Corporation on the USD 435 million financing for the merger of Lifecell Group and the Datagroup-Volia Group (reported on by CEE Legal Matters on September 17, 2024). CMS, working with Chrysostomides, advised the borrowers.
Sayenko Kharenko Advises Ukrnafta on Acquisition of Shell Gas Station Network in Ukraine
Sayenko Kharenko has advised PJSC Ukrnafta on its acquisition of a 51% stake in Alliance Holding, which owns a network of 118 Shell-branded gas stations across Ukraine.
Ukraine Updates Rules for Reservation of Persons Liable for Military Service and the Criteria for Granting the Status of Critical Importance to the Enterprise
On 22 November 2024, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine published Resolution No. 1332 dated 22 November 2024 ‘Some Issues of Reservation of Persons Liable for Military Service during Martial Law’ (the ‘Resolution’), which updates the reservation procedure and clarifies certain criteria of criticality.