In The Debrief, our Practice Leaders across CEE share updates on recent and upcoming legislation, consider the impact of recent court decisions, showcase landmark projects, and keep our readers apprised of the latest developments impacting their respective practice areas.
Fake Environmental Awareness, or the “Green Washing” Phenomenon According to the Hungarian Competition Authority
Today, more and more companies are trying to convince consumers with the pretence of a sustainable future and environmental awareness. However, in many cases, there is no real responsibility behind such marketing activities, which are simply intended as an effective advertising ploy to make green claims.
Serbian Commission for Protection of Competition: The KTG and Eco Sense Case
The Serbian Commission for Protection of Competition (“Commission”) has recently determined that the companies KTG Solucije d.o.o. Subotica (“KTG”) and Eco sense doo Subotica (“Eco Sense”) entered into a restrictive agreement that significantly impacted competition in public procurement procedures related to hygiene maintenance materials and services.
New Draft Law on Competition: Exploring Key Amendments
Competition law reform in Albania is underway, marked by several important changes to Law no. 9121, dated 28.07.2003, “On Protection of Competition” (“Competition Law”). Within the context of harmonizing with the EU acquis, last November, the Albanian Competition Authority (“ACA”) launched a public consultation phase for the proposed amendments to the Competition Law (“Draft Law”). However, the final version of the Draft Law has not yet been submitted to Parliament.
Nedelka Kubac Advokati Successful for Zlavomat Discount Portal Before Slovak Competition Authority
Nedelka Kubac Advokati has successfully represented the interests of the Zlavomat discount portal through an investigation by the Slovak Competition Authority for possible abuse of a dominant position.
Gessel Advises Anwim on Clearing Acquisition of Three Petrol Stations from Elbah II
Gessel has advised Anwim on the necessary competition clearance for its acquisition of three petrol stations – in Chorzow, Radzionkow, and Tarnowskie Gory – from Elbah II.
Nedelka Kubac Advokati Successful for XXXLutz in Reducing Czech Competition Authority Fine
Nedelka Kubac Advokati has successfully represented the interests of XXXLutz in achieving a "nearly 99% reduction" of a fine imposed by the Czech Competition Authority.