At the end of January, the Ministry of Finance invited representatives of business associations to submit their views regarding the possibility of a reform aiming to increase the progressivity of salary taxation. The Ministry emphasized that the framework for the change refers only to salary tax and not to contributions for mandatory social insurance, as well as that any proposals should produce effects that are de minimis budget neutral, both at the level of the entire economy and at the level of local governments.
Unpacking the Minimum Tax Act: Implications for Slovenia, Croatia, and the Region
Slovenia and Croatia adopted the Minimum Tax Act (MTA). The MTA implements Directive (EU) 2022/2523 to ensure a global minimum level of taxation for multinational enterprise groups and large-scale domestic groups in the EU. The latter is a consequence of the OECD’s global fight against tax base erosion within the scope of Pillar II.
Legal Amendments Changing General Aspects of the Business
This Section includes information on legal acts implementing new rules or amendments, published in the Official Journal of the Republic of Moldova, referring to corporate, employment, social, taxation, customs, environment, and other matters. This Section also includes draft legislation of any direct or indirect relevance to the Company; as well as the temporary legislative measures approved pursuant to the state of emergency in the Republic of Moldova.
Tax: A CEE Level of Intricacy
CMS Poland Managing Partner Andrzej Posniak and CMS Croatia Partner Tamara Jelic Kazic discuss the complexities and opportunities inherent to the region’s tax landscape.
New Rules for the Deduction of Intra-Group Expenses Incurred by Non-Resident Related Entities – Proposed Amendments
The recent practice in the field has shown that the expenses with intragroup services are currently one of the main topics addressed during tax audits and, at the same time, one of the main topics generating tax controversies.
PNSA Successful for Azomures Before High Court of Cassation and Justice
Popovici Nitu Stoica & Asociatii has successfully represented Azomures before Romania's High Court of Cassation and Justice in a dispute hinging on intra-group tax relations.
New Allowances in Corporate Taxation
From 1 January 2024, taxpayers can benefit from a tax allowance for investments in the construction of electricity storage facilities. The tax allowance is available for 6 tax years, with the first tax year being either the year of installation or the following tax year, at the taxpayer's option. This incentive is intended to encourage the installation of new electricity storage facilities which enable the taxpayer to store electricity generated for its own use.