Tue, Mar
42 New Articles

Sayenko Kharenko, working with Appleton Luff, has successfully represented PJSC Stalkanat in the antidumping administrative review regarding prestressed concrete steel strand, conducted by the US Department of Commerce, resulting in a 0% (no-dumping) rate being granted.

CMS has advised coordinator and facility agent Raiffeisen Banking Group on the EUR 600 million nine-banking-group club multicurrency revolving credit facility for the MOL Group. Baker McKenzie advised the MOL Group on the deal. CMS also acted as transaction counsel on MOL's JPY 14.6 billion bilateral revolving credit facility and its EUR 50 million bilateral EUR/CNY revolving credit facility.

Koutalidis, working with White & Case’, has advised the DFC on a USD 125 million financing loan to Onex Elefsis Shipyards and Industries. Reportedly, Antis Triantafyllides & Sons advised the DFC on Cypriot legal matters.