Text and data mining (TDM) has emerged as a powerful technique for extracting valuable insights from large datasets, particularly in fields such as research, healthcare, and marketing. However, as the capabilities of TDM continue to expand, it is essential to consider the legal frameworks that govern its application. In Poland, this involves a complex interplay of national legislation and European Union directives, particularly regarding intellectual property rights, data protection, and exceptions for research.
CEE Legal Matters Comparative Legal Guide: Real Estate 2025 is Now Out!
CEE Legal Matters is proud to introduce the latest in our Comparative Guides series. This one focuses on Real Estate in CEE.
Real Estate Laws and Regulations in Bulgaria (2025)
Contributed by Schoenherr.
Austria: Federal Fiscal Court Rules That Voluntary Self-Disclosure of Missed UBO filings does not require immediate UBO Filing To Qualify for Exemption from Late Filing Penalties
The Austrian Beneficial Owners Register Act (BORA) requires certain legal entities to report their ultimate beneficial owners (UBO) recurringly, at least once a year and whenever changes occur in an entity's UBO.
Schoenherr Advises Fifth Quarter Ventures on investment in Nextesy
Moravcevic Vojnovic and Partners in cooperation with Schoenherr has advised Fifth Quarter Ventures on its investment in Nextesy. Advoro reportedly advised Nextesy.
Romania One Step Closer to Secondary FDI Legislation
In an eagerly awaited development, Romania has taken a step forward in fostering more clarity on essential concepts relevant for foreign direct investment (FDI) screening, by publishing draft guidelines (the "Guidelines"), anticipated to enter into force in March 2025. While the Guidelines may not bring major surprises for practitioners who have been working in the FDI trenches since the regime came into force in April 2022, the formal codification of the authority's practice is a welcome step toward greater transparency and predictability.
Austria: EU Gas-Hydrogen Package: On the Party Status in the Procedure for the Decommissioning of Natural Gas Distribution Networks under the Internal Gas Market Directive
As part of the EU Gas and Hydrogen Package, Directive (EU) 2024/1788 of 13 June 2024 ("Internal Gas Market Directive; IGMD") makes provisions for the first time on the phase-out of gas by network operators through the decommissioning of gas networks. Article 57 IGMD stipulates that gas distribution system operators ("DSO") must develop network decommissioning plans ("NDP") if a reduction in natural gas demand is foreseeable. The competent national authorities assess whether the NDP for the distribution network meets the principles set out in the IGMD.
Gecic Law, Kinstellar, and Schoenherr Advise on United Group's Sale of Eon TV International and SBB Belgrade
Gecic Law, working with Clifford Chance, has advised Telekom Srbija on its acquisition of Eon TV International from United Group as part of a deal that also saw United Group sell SBB Belgrade to e& PPF Telecom Group. Kinstellar, working with Sullivan & Cromwell, advised e& PPF Telecom Group. Moravcevic Vojnovic and partners in cooperation with Schoenherr, working with Kirkland & Ellis, advised United Group.
Kinstellar and Schoenherr Advise on TSH Investment's Acquisition of Park Center Mall in Bulgaria from Revetas Capital Advisors
Kinstellar has advised TSH Investment on the acquisition of the Park Center shopping mall in Sofia from Revetas Capital Advisors. Schoenherr advised Revetas on the deal.
Schoenherr and Baker McKenzie Advise on Group Vandamme's Sale of Hungarian Activities to ADM
Schoenherr, working with Argo, has advised Group Vandamme on the sale of its Hungarian activities to ADM. Baker McKenzie advised the buyer.
Green Guarantees in Poland
The Export Credit Insurance Corporation (Korporacja Ubezpieczeń Kredytów Eksportowych; "KUKE") is the only export credit agency in Poland providing export insurance for trade security in high-risk markets guaranteed by the Polish State Treasury, regulated by the Polish Act of 7 July 1994 on Insurance Guaranteed by the State Treasury.
Captive Insurance and its Prospects in Hungary
Captive insurance has experienced significant growth globally in recent years, driven by hard market conditions, emerging risks and increased volatility. Statistics reveal a steady increase in the number of captives over the past four years, rising from 5,879 in 2020 to 6,181 by the end of 2023, according to the Captive Managers and Domiciles Rankings + Directory 2024 published by Business Insurance.[1] Captive insurance companies are also increasingly used by Forbes 1000 and Fortune 500 companies to manage complex and emerging risks.
A&O Shearman Advises LaSalle on Sale of Wronia 31 Building in Warsaw
A&O Shearman has advised LaSalle Investment Management on the sale of the Wronia 31 office building in Warsaw’s Central Business District to UNIQA Real Estate Management. Koda reportedly advised UNIQA. Schoenherr reportedly advised on the deal as well.
Austria: New Supreme Court Ruling on Operating Costs and Indexation Clauses
On 17 December 2024, in a lawsuit brought by a tenant against his landlord for repayment of operating costs and rent increases based on indexation, the Supreme Court ruled (10 Ob 54/24z) that the landlord was obliged to repay the operating costs, but confirmed the validity of the value retention clause and provided some clarification on points that had previously been controversial.
Tiberiu Protopopescu Joins Schoenherr
Former Protopopescu & Partners Founding Partner Tiberiu Protopopescu has joined Schoenherr as a Senior Attorney at Law.
Schoenherr Advises Connectis on Acquisition of SpeedApp
Schoenherr has advised Connectis on the acquisition of SpeedApp. Crido reportedly advised the sellers.
White & Case Advises Lenders on Cellnex Acquisition Financing
White & Case has advised the lenders on the financing for the acquisition of Cellnex's business in Austria. Binder Groesswang reportedly advised the lenders as well. Schoenherr, working with Hogan Lovells, reportedly advised the sponsors.
Schoenherr Advises ImWind and Bloch3 on Obtaining EIA permit
Schoenherr has advised ImWind and Bloch3 on obtaining an environmental impact assessment permit in Austria for the Rustenfeld wind farm.